Friday, February 9, 2007


The Webkinz popularity has taken the company completely by surprise since they only sell to "mom and pop" retailers...not the big boxes. Ganz is doing everything possible to manufacture them fast enough. Their owner has been in the gift business through the Beany Baby and Cabbage Patch craze and has never seen a product catch on and sell as fast as the Webkinz. They are also constantly adding servers and new personnel to handle the volume......but this all takes please be patient.

I know the kids are really anxious for the new ones and if I could do anything to hurry the process along I would.

If you would like to reserve a certain Webkinz, please call 644-6161 or email to have your name put on the "waiting list".

I am being told by my rep that they may not be able to ship Webkinz until April due to the backlog.

Keep checking this website for up to the minute updates on Webkinz. I will post here first as soon as I know anything. Please be patient.