Friday, June 1, 2007


Dear Friends and Customers.........

As a few of you know, I will hit the BIG 60 this July!! So I have reached a very difficult decision........I am going to retire in January 2008!

My wonderful little business, Sensibly Chic, is now 5 years old! Can you believe it....where did the time go!! With your support and continuous patronage, my dream has come true. I now have a thriving and profitable business that I am sooo very proud of. Not many of us get to realize a lifelong dream. I am so pleased to have had that chance and to have been successful, too!! Thank you.

Do you have that dream, too, of owning your own business? Well, now is your chance to acquire a very successful business in a fantastic location in this fast growing community of Oak Ridge and make it your own!!! I've done the hard part of getting the business off the ground, now it just needs someone to take it forward and to continue to serve this wonderful corner of the Triad.

If you are interested or know of anyone who may be interested in buying my wonderful little business, Sensibly Chic, please contact Frank Engel at 644-0108 for more information.

Just to assure you, I will be doing my best to maintain the quantity and quality of product and the service you have come to expect until I retire!! I will also be here to help the new owner with the transition.

Thank you again for helping me realize my dream.......Barbara