Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Webkinz News & Updates

Webkinz News - 48 Koala Bears arrived on 3/2 and all but 2 were sold by the end of the day!! I was soooo sorry to disappoint so many of you.
  • I do have them on reorder along with all the other Webkinz.
  • I am sorry but do not know when they will ship and can not find out.
  • I will let you know here on this website from now on when any Webkinz arrive rather than by a direct has become too over whelming to try to email individuals in a timely manner.

New Webkinz that just arrived are.....

  • Pink Pony (January release)
  • Lion Lil' Kinz
  • Unicorn Lil'Kinz
  • Tree Frog Lil'Kinz (February release)

Thanks sooo much for your understanding. I will try my best to keep you informed and up to date as much as possible.